Geographical origin:
Epiphyte in dry forests of West Madagascar (Mahajunga). Sea level.
Culture :
This Angraecum can be grow mounted or in pot with sphagnum or medium barks.During hot season you must give it a lot of water.
The secret to make it bloom is a rest period during winter.
No water at all from late Autumn to middle or end of winter and during this period it must have a lot of light.
If you have seedlings which are not old enough to be able to bloom, don't give them this rest period, let them grow.
The secret to make it bloom is a rest period during winter.
No water at all from late Autumn to middle or end of winter and during this period it must have a lot of light.
If you have seedlings which are not old enough to be able to bloom, don't give them this rest period, let them grow.
The Plant List