Geographical origin:
Central Madagascar where it grows epiphytically in mossy forests between 700 - 2000m in altitude.
Culture :
This Angraecum will be better grown mounted because of its shape.
It needs to be often mist and will be good with a few natural moss or sphagnum moss covering its roots.
Temperate to hot , good air movement, high humidity and low to medium light level.
Temperate to hot , good air movement, high humidity and low to medium light level.
This Angraecum is often confused with A.bicallosum, but I am persuaded, because of the rarity of A.bicallosum, that most of the present plants in collections, if it is not all of them, are in fact Angraecum ankeranense.
A.bicallosum is represented in the herbariums only by one single flower, no complete plant having been collected, what makes more than hypothetical to find it in culture and most probably in the wild!!
The Plant List
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