Friday, February 12, 2016

Aerangis luteoalba var. rhodosticta (Kraentzl) J.Stewart (1979)


Geographical origin:

Republic of Centrafrica, Cameroun, Congo, Zaïre, Ethiopie, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

Epiphytic orchid in evergreen and humid forests, growing on  shribs, branches but rarely on trunks.
Ofen found near rivers  bringing a high hygrometry.
Altitude 1250 to 2200m.



Culture :

Temperate to warm, this Aerangis will better grow if it is mounted, so its spikes would naturally "fall".

This Aerangis appreciate a high hygrometry, and regular watering with fertilizer during the growing seasons (Spring and Summer) and a moderate light.

Less watering during Autumn and Winter, but never completely stop them. This Aerangis doesn't any resting period.
If you grow this Aerangis in a greenhouse, you can mount it directly on a bark or on a piece of wood,, with no sphagnum.
It is better if the roots can quickly dry after each watering.
If you want to have in in pot, use a substrat with little pine bark and really a few sphagnum.

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