Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What I use for my mounted orchids

You don't have to use only barks of cork to mount orchids, you can use several other kind of barks or woods.

Here are some examples of what I often use:
  • bark or piece of branch of cork oak
  • bark or piece of woof of false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia)
  • bark of Douglas Pine
  • bark of Sequoia (Redwood)
Before using, you just have to sterilize them, in an oven or in a pressure cooker

How to prepare the Redwood's bark:

The Sequoia (Redwood) is a conifer from which the bark can get loose in big plates without hurting the tree.

As its resistance in the degradation by mushrooms and insects is exceptional, it is a good medium for the mounted orchids.

Then, with a big and strong knife, cut the big piece into 2 cm thick slices.

Then cut the slices in pieces.

To sterilize the pieces, you can "cook" them 15-20 mn in a pressure cooker.

When the pieces will be dried, you can store them in a dry place, and use them when you'll need.

Of course, this bark is better for the orchids which need to have more water than the others because it can store the water as a sponge would do.
As this bark is rather soft, roots can easily penetrate into it.

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